Getting Started
Leader Instructions
Are leaders necessary?
Prayer Bootcamp was built as a group activity. With that, there are different roles highlighted in each section. While you can run through the Prayer Bootcamp alone, we highly recommend doing this with others as it will be more rewarding, and they can keep you accountable.
Now that we have that out of the way...
Prayer Boot Camp Leader (and Leader's to Be!),
Please read the instructions. They will help in keeping the prayer sessions:
- Biblical
- Productive
- Limited to One Hour
Review these two rules often and with your prayer partners. The leader is responsible for keeping them and facilitating the time.
- Keep in mind that this is a prayer session, not a Bible study. During the prayer session's Bible reading, questions may arise from the text. When this happens say, "That's a good question. We will make note of that and discuss after the prayer session."
- When it is time for prayer requests, ask that each person state their request as an actual prayer. This will protect this time from becoming a story telling session and will aslo keep others from asking questions or giving unsolicited advice. The goal is to pray!
What is Prayer Bootcamp?
Learn about the Philosophy of Prayer Bootcamp
Instructions for Leaders
A General Warning