Laboring in Prayer (Thy Kingdom Come)
This part should take approximately 20 minutes.
Read by the Leader
Now let each person pray for one country at a time until we've prayed for12 North and Central American countries. Pray by locating the ruler, the country and mentioning the statistics and prayer. I will begin. "Lord, help the people of _____(name country) and the head ruler ______(name ruler), that they may be saved. That they would lead quiet and peaceable lives in all Godliness and honesty.
Each of us will pray for one country until we've prayed for twelve countries. (Map Section- North and Central America; Portfolio of Scriptures Told to Pray, page 2, #13)
Praying for Countries
To view countries to pray for, please see the Prayers of Nations section.
Read by Leader
Are there any personal needs?
Pray for personal and community requests.
Read by Designated Note Reader
If your prayer is a heavy burden, then ask us to note your requests and we will continue praying through the week.