Summary and Benediction
This part should take approximately 20 minutes.
Read by Leader
Now we will focus in prayer on the needs of our families, friends and community.
Personal prayers. Anyone may make a prayer for personal and community needs.
Read by Leader
This next item will introduce you to a page called "Overcoming Satan's Fiery Darts". We overcome by scripture. Who will turn to the Facilitators section and read the third item down all the way across?
A volunteer reads Facilitators, Fiery Darts, Page 2, #3. (Third item down you "don't think you prayers reach the ceiling") etc.
Read by Designated Note Reader
If you have time you may read a few others, if not ponder the others through the week.
Read by Leader
Now the Note Reader reviews prayer principles.
Read by Designated Note Reader
The key to the missionary problem is prayer. Oswald Chambers (O ya, Jesus too) in Luke 10:2
Prayer Principal
Jesus never mentioned unanswered prayer. He answers prayer in the best way not sometimes "Everyone that asketh receiveth". Oswald Chambers.
Read by Designated Note Reader
Christ said, "Don't call me Lord if you don't do what I command". (you can't do 'em if you if you don't know 'em).
The Benediction
Read by Leader
Who will pray the Benediction? (Portfolio of Scriptures, Benedictions, page 9,#7)
Volunteer reads/prays the Benediction in 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17.
Read by a Volunteer
Now our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God, even Our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts, and establish you in every good word and work.
All Together
"Amen" or Let it Be."